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Get our House Difficulty Score on a scale of 1-10
Get google Search Volume and CPC bids for entire keyword set.Batch processed with minimums.
Get top 100 SERP results for your specified keyword.
Get all intitle document count for google engine as specified.
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Report: Everything

Report Sheet Coin Cost: 2
Active Keywords: x0
Price in Sheet Coins: 0
Or Cash Price: 0

Keyword Difficulty

$0 at $0.048 per Keyword


Get our House Difficulty Score on a scale of 1-10 .

Get it for only 4.0 Sheet Coins Per Keyword

Search Volume CPC Bids

$0 at $0.0012 per Keyword


Get google Search Volume and CPC bids for entire keyword set.Batch processed with minimums..

Get it for only 0.1 Sheet Coins Per Keyword

Top 100 Serps

$0 at $0.012 per Keyword


Get top 100 SERP results for your specified keyword..

Get it for only 1.0 Sheet Coins Per Keyword

All In Title Count

$0 at $0.024 per Keyword


Get all intitle document count for google engine as specified..

Get it for only 2.0 Sheet Coins Per Keyword