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10,000 Top 100 Serps With Search Volume and CPC

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10,000 Serp, SV, and CPC Bid data / month
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10,000 Serps With Backlinks

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10,000 Serps, Backlinks, SV, and CPC Bid data / month
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Price Per Reports Comparison

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These prices do not reflect any minimums that might be required
Search Volume CPC Bids
0.1 Sheet Coins

Get google Search Volume and CPC bids for entire keyword set.Batch processed with minimums.

Top 100 Serps
1.0 Sheet Coins

Get top 100 SERP results for your specified keyword.

Full Backlink SERP Report
5.0 Sheet Coins

Get top 100 SERP URLs and Backlink Counts for All URLS and Domains

All In Title Results Checker
2.0 Sheet Coins

Get all intitle document count for google engine as specified.

Exact Keyword Results
2.0 Sheet Coins

Get top 100 and "keyword in quotes" results with found document counts...